Another year to show what you can do at the Ex&Hop Contest 2016 at Karlsplatz… You know the season is kicking off in Vienna when the Rap Against Festival takes place at Karlsplatz. A great festival, with a great line-up, …
Skate Contest
Contest Kick-off 2015 Neulengbach
So as many of you may have realised or had the honour of being there live; we had our Contest Kick-Off in Neulengbach. It was crazy hot, but therefore the heat seemed to motivate the riders to bring out their …
Ex & Hop Contest -Recap
What can one say about something as diverse as a festival that celebrates the idea of getting along with one another? Not much except that it’s frickin awesome. Having had the FM4 Rap Against Festival before in Vienna, it has …
Offline Sport Games 15 in Budapest
Am kommenden Wochenende, Samstags, den 6. September 2014, findet zum 15. Mal die Offline Sport Games in Budapest statt. Die besten Rider in den Disziplinen Skateboarding, Inlineskating und BMX treten auf dem eigens für den Event aufgestellten Park gegen einander …
Nordbrücke 2013 Review
Es sah zu Beginn ganz so aus, als würden aufgrund von Schul- & Semesterferien und Urlaubsplänen, nicht ganz so viel los sein. Und das unter der Nordbrücke…? Wo fast immer ein, zwei handvoll Brettlschupfer ihre Energie rauslassen! Bis 13:00 waren …