Another year to show what you can do at the Ex&Hop Contest 2016 at Karlsplatz… You know the season is kicking off in Vienna when the Rap Against Festival takes place at Karlsplatz. A great festival, with a great line-up, …
Excelent Mystic SK8 Cup 2015
The year 2015 proved to be another great year for the Shuvit family at the Excelent Mystic Sk8 Cup 2015…. Shuvit Crew went down to Prague with friends and family to check out the contest and have our boys skate …
MysticSkateCup 2015…. Shuvit Crew Style.
So as promised Shuvit Crew took one for the team and went into the darkest depths of Prague to see what the f*** is going on at the Contest… So here the very short show-down to Day 1; We all …
Ex & Hop Contest -Recap
What can one say about something as diverse as a festival that celebrates the idea of getting along with one another? Not much except that it’s frickin awesome. Having had the FM4 Rap Against Festival before in Vienna, it has …
Ex & Hop Contest Vienna
Am 29. und 30. April 2015 findet erstmals in Wien der Ex & Hop Contest statt. Los gehts am 29.04 um 14:00; Skatepark opens, also machts euch warm und lernts mal die Obstacles kennen. 17:00 gehts schon mal los mitm …